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Philips Zoom! WhiteSpeed Chairside Kit - Dental Surgery Whitening System (Two Patients)

Code: PZ999  

Product description

This kit is used with the Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed whitening device in a Dental Surgery.

The kit contains enough contents for two Patients. 

(Can only be sold to registered Dental Practitioners).

Zoom Teeth Whitening
Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening is a speedy, in-surgery solution for lightening discoloured teeth that offers a safe and highly effective way to smarten up your Patient's smile.

Teeth can lose their sparkle for a number of reasons including staining from smoking and dark coloured drinks, ageing, certain medications or trauma. Zoom is a highly effective treatment that addresses this unsightly discoloration and is also perfect for busy patients as its light activated technology really speeds up the whitening process.

What are the benefits of Zoom whitening?
Brighter teeth means a younger looking Patient
Quick, yet lasting, results
Considerably less sensitivity than other procedures
Performed safely in-surgery by a dental professional for optimum results
Enamel left unharmed

Package Contents:

2 x Complete Patient Procedures

  • 2 x Liquidam Dental Dam
  • 2 x Light Guide
  • 2 x Surgical Suction Tip
  • 2 x IsoPrep Retractor
  • 2 x Vitamin E Oil
  • 4 x Face Bib
  • 4 x Cotton Rolls
  • 12  x Gauze Squares
  • 2  x Philips Zoom Chairside Light Activated Whitening Gel

£219.95 £229.95
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